
FAQ, Interview



Whole Life Insurance Plans

Whole Life Insurance Plans are those plans which provide you the insurance coverage for your entire life. In case of death of life assured the nominee gets the benefits as mentioned in the insurance contract. Now-a-days the whole life insurance schemes providing a maturity benefit on attaining a certain time such as attaining 80 years of age by life assured or completing 40 years of successful run of policy.




Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PM need Additional Capabilities of Leaders

From Project Manager to becoming a Leader , a person need these Additional Capabilities:
  1. Developing a Vision for an Organization
  2. Adding Value
  3. Judgment and Decision Making
  4. Objectivity, Transparency, Communication & Meritocracy
  5. Differentiation between Performers and Non-performers
  6. Servant Leadership
  7. Creativity, Brain-storming & Critical Thinking
  8. Emotions -- Control ->Intelligence ->Wisdom
  9. Persistence
  10. Integrity

Cross Cultural Project Management


Because of the internationalization of projects managers need to develop soft skills that address culture.Things we do as individuals depend upon our culture and environment, good to understand culture.